Monday 15 September 2014

Jeff Adams Scam Prevention through Real Estate Trends

A real estate trend is any consistent pattern or change in the general direction of the real estate industry which, over the course of time, causes a statistically noticeable change. This phenomenon can be a result of the wealth, a change in mortgage rates, consumer speculations, or other basic and non-fundamental reasons.

One secret to success in real estate is this: get to know your customers best interest and always keep it in your heart. That fact has led me to make my own quote I know is true: People don't care what you know until they know you care.

The more you engage with clients, the clearer things become and the easier it is to decide what you should be doing. If this isn't previously your modus operandi, please add it to your list of New Year's resolutions. 

Right now, national housing inventory is at about five months, a healthy marketplace. Less than five months, and you'll see a buyers' market; more than five and you get a sellers' market.

And on the topic of buyers, we know many buyers got a taste of homeownership from 2002 to 2007 when the mortgage rules were so loose anyone and her third cousin could qualify. We know how that ended in 2008 with a near economic meltdown. But I believe those buyers still have that taste for homeownership - it's still the American dream.

Those buyers will see qualified residential mortgages (QRMs) that go into effect in 2014 where lenders will be required to keep a 5 percent stake in loans that don't meet QRM standards. But I also feel we'll see some alternative financing or some sub-prime products in 2014 so buyers. Go out and start making some contacts for 2014 and put their best interest in your heart.

 More Real estate News: Jeff Adams Scam

Friday 5 September 2014

Jeff Adams Scam Preclusion Gives Reno’s for Return on Investment

Adding value to your home is the number one concern for most homeowners. It doesn’t matter if you’re prepping to sell or looking to build long-term justice, knowing the right renos to invest in is imperative to ensure you get the most hit for your reno buck.


Ever surprise about the number one demand from both homeowners and tenants when they’re looking for a house?  Hardwood looks astonishing, is timeless and is incredibly tough it’s also costly, so it’s wise to weigh your options before shelling out big bucks for the big impact that hardwood delivers. Regardless of your option, a flooring update always brings new life to a space and immediately gives the impression of a renovated and redecorated space. 

Hardware & fittings

It sounds like a little update that doesn’t mean a lot, but replacing relatively cheap items like faucets, sinks, toilets and drawer pulls can make a big impact.

Cabinet and drawer pulls are also a drop in the bucket and things like doorknobs, light fixtures and faucets are also cheap, small updates that can really improve the entire feel of a room. A small asset can equal a big return, making the space feel new and modern.


Each person has so many expectations about their home. When you ask people to describe their perfect bathroom, about 95% of people use the words spa like. It means a soothing color palette, clean lines, modern materials and chic finishes. You may be hearing cha-ching, but keep in mind that bathrooms are small and so require less material.


Kitchen remodels are disreputably expensive. When you start throwing around words like granite, stainless steel and perhaps the scariest custom, it can create a lifetime courting takeout menus sound like a good thought. Not only can you do a great kitchen redecoration on realistic budget, but kitchens also give you the main return on investment far beyond any other room in the house. You can customize standard, out-of-the-box cabinetry to almost any kitchen layout. 

More Information: Jeff Adams Scam Avoidance 

Tuesday 2 September 2014

Jeff Adams Scam alertness towards Deed Scam

The scam is as old as desire itself: sell an excellent product at a low price, and then make off with the cash as the victim discovers he's been left with a fake bill of goods.

Now, with a slow market and more Americans in need of reasonable housing, the age-old ploy is rife in the rental marketplace. The rental scam comes in several variations, but it typically follows the same basic recipe.

At General Law, a deed was a device under seal that contained an agreement delivered by the individual who was to be bound by it to the party to whom it was given. It is no longer required that such a tool be sealed.

Among the victims of the deed scam are new homeowners in Wisconsin. They are deceived by Record Transfer Services formal-looking letter, which looks like a government bill and asks for an $83 document fee for a deed and real property records by a certain limit.

According to Jeff Adams Scam prevention strategies, scammers contacting new home buyers with an apparently legal solicitation offering to send a copy of their property deed and other information for $83.  These are the scams sent in a copy of a solicitation from a business called Record Transfer Services.

At first, the solicitation known as a Deed Processing Notice seems legal. On the copy we reviewed, the property information is included, along with county information, a compliance date, and a helpful tip box offering answers to why you need your current Grant Deed and property file.

So far it isn’t clear how the scammers are getting homeowners’ information, but goods sales and ownership is a matter of public evidence. Anyone can visit a county office and gather a list of recent homeowners.

Generally, if you receive a solicitation asking for more cash after your closing, it isn’t legitimate. But if you aren’t sure or want additional information, contact your county clerk’s office or your real estate manager.

More Real Estate News: Jeff Adams Scam Baiting